Following on from an interest in performance, some of the children visited Sunderland Empire Theatre this week. We were able to explore the theatre and gained VIP access. Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to take photographs on the stage but we got to see the props and find out what goes on behind the scenes! The visit gave the children lots of ideas of how they could develop their stage back at school.
"Look up!"
We noticed numbers everywhere.
The children were very interested in the spotlights.
We didn't get to have any popcorn at the theatre so we made our own back at school this week.
The children then asked if they could watch a stage show on our big screen; they chose Frozen.
Other children have started to show an interest in role play and performance as a result of the children's visit.
Look what's arrived in school this week...
"It's The Greatest Showman, my favourite!"
"This is the greatest show!"
Thank you to our parent volunteers who supported our visit and thank you to everyone who donated to our Early Years Fund as this money was used to cover the cost of the visit. The children had a wonderful time and the experience definitely enhanced their learning and their play back at school.
Take a look at some of the amazing performances. Watch out for tickets being made, seats being numbered and the children taking the role of controlling the spotlight very seriously...
Oh wow! What a brilliant opportunity brilliant performances :) x.