Friday, 28 September 2018

                Constructing medieval structures!
An interest that has sparked this week is knights & castles. This interest came from one child sharing his ‘Me, my family, my world’ book.
“I’ve drawn a castle and that’s me with a shield.” (Pointing to a photograph)
After sharing this interest, several other children wanted to join Aaron in our discovery area to explore this further. Together we documented what we thought castles looked like & then researched using media and materials (books) to investigate the properties of a castle.

"I am drawing a door for the soldiers to get into."

"I'm going to draw the drawbridge." Faris

This interest continued into the afternoon, the boys were very keen in creating resources to extend their learning.
Together, the boys researched using Google images to find the appropriate shield for them.  Aaron observed that most shields have a cross in the middle.

"I can't wait to use my shield." Aaron

"I'm trying to make a bow and arrow, if I wrap this string around here it will keep it together." Reuben

What a fun-filled, exciting week we have had!

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Atelier of Taste: Pizza

Following on from last week's bread experience, children started to discuss what they could make next, with dough being the central point of their conversations. Children started to look at a range of different recipes that included dough, they finally came to the conclusion that Pizza would be the next item on the Atelier of Taste cooking list!

Children started to make their pizzas from scratch, adapting the skills they developed from last week.

 The group made their dough and let it set until the afternoon where they could finally start to create their pizza!

 It was finally time to start adding toppings! Tomato puree was smothered into the dough and the finest mozzarella was sprinkled to give it that extra cheesy taste, whilst they also added an extra ounce of flour for a little dusting of the crust!

Thursday, 20 September 2018

"How long is a Piece of String?"

We are... Curious..... 

This week, dreams have been a topic of conversation. 

Children used a bicycle wheel and string to create dream catchers and analyse the meaning of "dreams". 

"If you want to have a dream, you need to be in a big deep sleep, not just a nap because then you won't remember it" 

Their explorations took a twist, when children started to make a track around the Studio with the string that they had been using. The track started within the Exploration Space where they started to attach string to the walls and the floor. 

 "They are the LAZER BEAMS!! Lazers come from electricity and  you must not touch them"

 The children started to add more string to their web, which they loved. Children were negotiating space whilst giving each other respect as they listened to each others theories, ideologies and questions...  

 "This is the web of wonder"
"I think a trap space"
"Don't get caught" 

 As the children's play continued they started to tie knots to attach their string together. 

"I'm the string man!!" 

Thank you for your continued support!
Have a fantastic weekend! 

Atelier of Taste: Bread

This week in The Atelier of Taste, children have been baking bread. The group gathered their ingredients that they would need in order to bake the most delicious loaf! They started to mix flour, water and oil together to make a "sticky, but consistent dough" 

"How will the bread get big?" 

From previous experiences, children came to the conclusion that their dough lacked a key ingredient. 

"It needs something else"

"I think it's called wheat" 

They were in fact looking for yeast, which unfortunately we were unable to find within our kitchen. So we went on a trip to our main school kitchen where our chefs were kind enough to give the children yeast in order for the dough to rise. 

After adding the yeast, the children started to add rosemary and oregano as they started to explore with herbs. 

"It will give the bread an extra kick" 

After spending time kneading and rolling their dough it was finally time to put it in the oven, were the aroma of herbs transcended across the provision. 

"What is that delightful smell?" 

The Atelier of Taste will continue... 

Stop! Drop and Snow....

"It is freezing outside!!!" The snow captivated some of the children today, which meant that they were able to spend some tim...