This week, dreams have been a topic of conversation.
Children used a bicycle wheel and string to create dream catchers and analyse the meaning of "dreams".
"If you want to have a dream, you need to be in a big deep sleep, not just a nap because then you won't remember it"
Their explorations took a twist, when children started to make a track around the Studio with the string that they had been using. The track started within the Exploration Space where they started to attach string to the walls and the floor.
"They are the LAZER BEAMS!! Lazers come from electricity and you must not touch them"
The children started to add more string to their web, which they loved. Children were negotiating space whilst giving each other respect as they listened to each others theories, ideologies and questions...
"This is the web of wonder"
"I think a trap space"
"Don't get caught"
"I'm the string man!!"
Thank you for your continued support!
Have a fantastic weekend!
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