Thursday, 27 September 2018

Atelier of Taste: Pizza

Following on from last week's bread experience, children started to discuss what they could make next, with dough being the central point of their conversations. Children started to look at a range of different recipes that included dough, they finally came to the conclusion that Pizza would be the next item on the Atelier of Taste cooking list!

Children started to make their pizzas from scratch, adapting the skills they developed from last week.

 The group made their dough and let it set until the afternoon where they could finally start to create their pizza!

 It was finally time to start adding toppings! Tomato puree was smothered into the dough and the finest mozzarella was sprinkled to give it that extra cheesy taste, whilst they also added an extra ounce of flour for a little dusting of the crust!

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