Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Beach School (Group 1)

Today was the day, the wait was finally over and the first group of 'Beach Schoolers' got to explore our local beach. The children and our fantastic grown-up helpers, spent the morning finding treasures, jumping waves and most importantly, having fun! I can't wait to see what our next adventure has in store for us!

Jacob spent most of the morning throwing stones and rocks into the sea.
"It went super far!"

Ben ordered the rocks by their weight.
"This one is the heaviest. This is so heavy, I can't even carry it!"

"This one's heavy too."

"Careful Mrs Hunt! The waves are coming!"

"I think the sea is angry at us. That's why it's chasing us."


"There's a dog. X Factor arms everyone."

"Real treasure."

Annabella enjoyed building a sandcastle.

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