Our final group visited Tommy today and we talked about why we could see so many poppies everywhere. The children were very interested in the messages that had been written, paying their respects to the soldiers, and the children shared their own experiences of family members that have served for our country.
At the beach, the children noticed stones with messages and want to hide their own on their next session.
"I'm writing my name." Annelise
"I'm doing my numbers in the sand. 1,2,3,4." Max
"Making shapes in the sand."
"It can't get me now." Hope
Annelise posed a very interesting question today...
Can I run away from my shadow?
"I'm running super fast but it's stuck to my feet. It won't come off!"
"I can run faster than my shadow."
"The sunshine makes the shadow so we need to find some shade." Hope
"My shadow can't get me here."
Just taking in the beautiful surroundings and listening to the waves.
Back at school, some of the children chose to explore shadow and light further...
"It hasn't got a shadow because its flat, so nothing is stopping the light." Hope
"I've made orange light!" Scarlett
The children took their fascination with light back to their current interests and started to change the colour of the lighting, depending on the tempo of the song.
"The Greatest Showman one needs red lighting. It's fast and feels red.
The slow one needs to be yellow." Alice
We had another fantastic day at Beach School and it is so interesting to observe and support the children in developing their interests and fascinations back at school.
Thanks again for the on-going support from our volunteers.
Have a lovely weekend!
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